Hi Brawlers! Last week we had a very fun Tavern Brawl with premade decks. If you didn’t read it and want to know what was going on, you can find the article here.
I played lots of games hearthstone boost with the first three classes but I enjoyed the most playing Mage. Long games getting advantage piece by piece, with hearthstone booster rank cards like Ethereal Conjurer or Echo of Medivh, until I had so much advantage that the enemy had tu surrender.
But let’s move to current rule. A very interesting one I would say. Now I can play Grommash Hellscream the first turn!
Rule of the Week
“That pesky Shrinkmeister turned all your Hearthstone cards into toys! Now all your minions are 1/1 and only cost (1) mana!”
Hey, give me my money back! That’s not Grommash, that’s an Angry Chickenwith rush!
I’m afraid this is not your Brawl, Grommash, but it’ll be the rule for lots of big minions with fancy effects. So explore all hearthstone accounts your “undusted” legendaries, maybe it’s their moment…
Rule is simple, all minions will be 1/1 and will cost (1). It’s good to know that minions abilities will stay there. And that’s the important thing. But let’s now explain specific situations because there hearthstone account are lots of “What if…” questions on the table.
What if I summon a creature through a spell/Battlecry effect? Sorry, it won’t work. The summoned minions will be 1/1.
What if a deathrattle minion like Sludge Belcher dies? You’ll receive a 1/1 creature. In this case it will have Taunt.
What if I use Recombobulator? You’ll receive a new creature of the originalcost of the minion you’ve transformed, but it will be a 1/1.
What if I buff a minion with spells like Blessing of Kings? Good one! You’ll now have a 5/5 ready to kill lots of opponent minions.
What if I play Wailing Soul? Again, it hearthstone boosting won’t work. Silence effects won’t remove the overall rule that applies to minions when they’re on board. Anyway, Silence effects are still useful as they’ll remove other abilities or buffs minions have. And yes, if you use Earth Shock on a buffed minion, it will die.
What if I play Shade of Naxxramas? You will have played a 1/1 Stealth creature that will get +1/+1 every turn so yes, it works!
Clear? Then let’s move on!
(If you have another situation that you want to talk about feel free of leaving a comment!)
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