Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Birth of the Legendary Chicken

I don’t even remember where I first heard about Hearthstone from. It was almost two years ago, right after it went into open Beta. I made a account for it, played a couple of games and quickly got bored. You see, I had never played Magic: the Gathering, Warcraft or hearthstone account World of Warcraft, and I still hearthstone boosting haven’t to this day. Hearthstone was a blend of games and concepts that were totally foreign to me, so I kinda dropped it.
In autumn of 2014 I picked it up again as I noticed the game was out of Beta, and this time I got hooked for a couple of months. I climbed hearthstone booster rank  with each hero to level 10, played a ton against the computer and grinded the quests. I learned the mechanics, the basic hearthstone accounts  concepts, aaand I got bored of the game once more.
This brings us to spring of last year. A good friend of mine started playing, and I noticed that Hearthstone was hearthstone boost now available for Android phones (just tablets at the time, hooray for .apk files!), which was a game changer for me. I’d been looking for a truly cross-platform game for months, and this was finally it. So that’s when I started playing Hearthstone seriously… kind of.

The Casual Days

So from March-April until December I played a lot of Hearthstone. Two friends of mine and I would bury our faces in our phones and just try out decks, try funky combos and just generally suck at the game. Even though I spent a lot of time actually playing, it was kind of like you listen to music: you’re doing it, but you’re not quite focused on it.
I played a lot of Mage, after getting introduced to Flamestrike and thinking it was the best card in the game. It can basically clean off a board full of minions, woah! Looking back on it, that was the only reason I chose mage, and I made a point of only playing it for months on end. As soon as better cards dropped, I swapped them with something in the existing deck. It would become something totally unrecognizable, and totally lacking a general purpose:

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